Friday, February 10, 2012

Will anyone still play Battlefield Bad Company 2 after Battlefield 3 come out?

i am not really planning to get battlefield 3 ao i just want to know if i should buy bad companmy 2 or not becuase i don't want to play online alone



ahmedabdalla75Will anyone still play Battlefield Bad Company 2 after Battlefield 3 come out?
Of course there will still be people playing it. People were playing Halo 2 online up to the very day they shut down the severs. Thousands will still play Bad Company 2, no worries.Will anyone still play Battlefield Bad Company 2 after Battlefield 3 come out?
There will ALWAYS be people online playing bfbc2.. heck i downloaded an old soldier of fortune 2 DEMO that i once had and that is still being played by loads of people, that demo is like 6 years old!Will anyone still play Battlefield Bad Company 2 after Battlefield 3 come out?
People will stay play BBC2, but alot will prob check out BBC3 with new maps

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