Friday, February 10, 2012

If my computer can run Battlefield 3 can it run Skyrim?

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

Intel Core2 Quad Q9300 Processor at 2.5 GHz


In Battlefield 3 I get around 30-40 fps with the settings halfway between medium and high. Will I be able to run Skyrim with medium to high graphics settings and get about the same frame rate?If my computer can run Battlefield 3 can it run Skyrim?
I would suggest running, Can You RUN It. It's a site that will let you know if your computer should be able to run games or not. It will also detail where your specs are lacking, so you know where to upgrade if you wish to. It is completely free, and I have not had problems with it

Here is a link:鈥?/a>

If you want to avoid the link, you can always google "Can you run it" and it should be the first result.If my computer can run Battlefield 3 can it run Skyrim?
I would go and say you can but here are the specs:鈥?/a>If my computer can run Battlefield 3 can it run Skyrim?
Yes. the recommended sys specs for Skyrim are much lower than those for Battlefield 3

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