Monday, February 6, 2012

How does Battlefield 3 compare to 1943?

I have 1943 and I do like it, but I've always preferred cod instead of it. I was wondering how much different battlefield 3 is compared to battlefield 1943, i know graphics have gotten a lot better but what about gameplay, controls etc?How does Battlefield 3 compare to 1943?
I agree with the other person bf3 will always be better than cod :)
Cod is for jewsHow does Battlefield 3 compare to 1943?
bf3 is a huge step up. i love 1943 it is awesome and trust me you will love bf3 so much funnnnnnnHow does Battlefield 3 compare to 1943?
i had bf 1943 but i love BF3 SOO MUCH MORE! and BF will always be better than COD. :D
BF3 is and will always be better than COD. COD is a claustrophobic map with overpowered weapons and attachments with sub-par graphics and deprived of any innovation.
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