Friday, February 10, 2012

What is going to better in your opinion modern warfare 3 vs battlefield 3?

i think it will be battlefield 3 because of the new engine and such but MW3 will still be awsomeWhat is going to better in your opinion modern warfare 3 vs battlefield 3?
MW3 because its like MW2 which was awesome and Battlefield 3 beta is terrible!
Most of the answers your going to get here are opinions, including mine. Personally, I think that Battlefield 3 will bring more new stuff to the table (Enhanced graphics, vehicles, destructible objects, ect.) So more people are leaning towards BF3 than MW3. However, I think that MW3 will bring the good ole' classic gameplay back that we all loved in MW2 with less annoyances (One Man Army/Danger Close, Commando, ect.) with some moderate changes. I will be getting both games, and I am leaning towards MW3 just a little bit because I know how good the previous MW series games were. I have also played Battlefield 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 so I also know how those games do as well. So, here is my vote:

Battlefield 3 - 48% Modern Warfare 3 - 52%What is going to better in your opinion modern warfare 3 vs battlefield 3?
Battlefield 3, no doubt. MW3 is just not bringing anything new and will be like any other COD game. But Battlefield 3 has a new engine and is bringing new things to the gaming community. It was like this first. COD was better than Battlefield because COD had zombies and a good singleplayer. But now in Battlefield 3, they will have an awesome singleplayer and for zombies, they added Co-Op.What is going to better in your opinion modern warfare 3 vs battlefield 3?
They will both be amazing games. I'm buying both, actually. I played Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Beta and it was pretty fun. I think Call of Duty would be the best for Campaign and Battlefield 3 will be the best for Multiplayer.
I believe both will be GREAT and i'll be picking up both. As far as better im going to say BF3 because people are getting tired of cod and battlefield is bringing something new that cod doesn't. Seem like cod is the same game every year.
Battlefield 3 !!

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