Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I know battlefield 3 lost shooter of the year, but what are yalls opinions?

it has been proven that more people are online playing battlefield 3 throughout the entire day as opposed to mw3. call of dutys market share has dropped from 90 percent to below 70. ea and dice hurt mw3. the vga handing out awards is based upon critic panel, not a user based panel. battlefield 3 has won over 60 awards. what are yalls opinions?I know battlefield 3 lost shooter of the year, but what are yalls opinions?
I like battlefield 3 more than mw3 but bfbc2 imo was better than both. I don't know why, I just had more fun playing it when it first came out. Unfortunately only a few people play it now a days :(
I wasn't surprised call of duty won, a lot of the critics were kissing *** to call of duty and giving battlefield 3 the back hand.

At the moment I'm just gonna enjoy the moment as call of duty slowly kills itself over because many fans are already realizing the fact call of duty isn't what it truly use to be.I know battlefield 3 lost shooter of the year, but what are yalls opinions?
Bf3 was far superior to MW3 when both were released, but then all the CoD noobs on battlefield used there mass whining skills and got DICE to nerf every weapon in the game to the point where there are only 3 unique guns in the entire game. (1 sniper 1 LMg and the pistols)I know battlefield 3 lost shooter of the year, but what are yalls opinions?
My opinion is that BF3 should have won the award, but it's whatever. Critics never really know what they're talking about when it comes to anything...movies, games, books, etc. BF3 is still one of the best shooters ever made, so it's not that big of a deal for me.
bf3 deserved it
BF3 would wreck MW3 ANYDAY

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