I really don't know what to buy. I was going to buy Battlefield 3 but I remember that Bad Combany 2 was a let down for me. So what should I buy?
BTW The graphics are really important to me, the game that looks more realistic is a better choice for me.Should I buy Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty MW3 or Resistance 3 on PS3?
George has the right idea baby. He played all 3 and knows what he`s talking about.
I haven`t played Resistance 3. But BF3 and MW3.
Modern Warfare 3 has also disappointed me very much. Not so changed from the previous MW2. It`s practically an update of MW2...
On multiplayer, there`s revengers, dumb asses running around raping everybody and sh!theads going around the map to f*ck people in the a**. There is a reason to this. I have a online ID called MILF_Creampie, so people tends to add me. I always ask for their age and the usual answer is 12. That`s right their little kids that haven`t learnt much of manners.
The maps are like... 2 feet wide.
Perks, killstreaks, and dual wielding crap is just not right...
Still, the rank up systems are very addictive. I prestiged with no questions asked.
Not much of teamworks.
The campaigne was AMAZING. I don`t know why people didn`t enjoy it. Well it was kinda short.
Now about Battlefield 3.
Multiplayer is some breathtaking SH*T! It`s a teamwork based game. You can revive and share ammunition with teammates. This game actually takes skills and you can actually survive if you`re careful.
There`s vehicles. Tanks, Jets, Jeeps, Boats, LAVs and Helicopters. All heavily armed. Can be shared!
The smallest map in BF3 is the biggest map in MW3.
It`s mostly older people playing this game. Also mature.
The campainge was crap though... Absolute crap. Very short.
I have all three so this isn't a biased opinion.
Resistance is a fantastic game exclusive to the PS3. You ad you 3 choices Resistance 3 has the best single player campaign. You can play 100% of the single player campaign co op with a friend localy on the same TV or online from somewhere else in the world. Although getting into the game so late as you are, you may get annoyed like a have been many times in the competitive multiplayer mode. This is only because the higher level you are the more overpowers you become against people who just want a fair and friendly game. Low levels become prey to the higher ones.
As for MW3, I was very dissapointed in the gameplay. The single player campaign is exiting but nowhere near as good as Resistance's story is. The multiplayer for Mw3 has people hooked one sling up and resetting their level as many times as they can by hitting the max level and then presteige resetting their level and unlocks.
Out of these 3 games, I have spent more hours on Battlefeild Multiplayer than the rest. It's multiplayer is the most balanced out of the three. The games main focuses is vehicle warfare giving it an edge on the first person shooter genre. Vehicle include many different types of Tanks, Helicopeters, Jets And Hum v's. it's co op mode allows friends to fight through different missions together to unlock guns for the compeditive multilayer mode.
Go with Battlefeild 3 it has much replay value and is a fun game to play with friends. It also has the best and most realistic graphics.
But don't get any of these if you don't already have Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception. It beats all.Should I buy Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty MW3 or Resistance 3 on PS3?
In my opinion, BF3 offers the best multiplayer even over MW3. If you enjoy a larger map and more realistic action BF3 is the way to go. However, if you're more of a fast-paced, I-just-wanna-shoot-people-in-the-face type of person, then I suggest Modern Warfare. However, if you want the game for its campaign value, then don't go for any of the aforementioned. As for Resistance 3, haven't played it, so can't tell you.Should I buy Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty MW3 or Resistance 3 on PS3?
Yes! Depends on your preferences. You more online or campaign? You like the aspect of teaming up or more of a lone wolf? BF3 seems to be better for working as a group.
I haven't played BF3 on the PS3 yet, but it can't be much different than on the Xbox (which I have played.) Getting into it late puts you at a disadvantage. But if you are good at all and don't give up easily, you'll probably be okay and will quickly eliminate the disadvantage. I didn't think the visuals were as good on BF3 as they could have been/should have been. Though, there are some pretty cool features. I personally don't like being outgunned by vehicles that really makes it impossible for you to survive against a vehicle. You get caught out in the open against a vehicle, just get ready to spawn. Plus, it seems that sniping is unreal. Sorry, but the sniping is unreal. Sniping distance is too far for the real world and nothing worse than impossible real world snipe shots in a game.
MW3. Visually, I think is pretty good. Game play to me is just more of MW2, which isn't a bad thing, but it is better. It has made some differences to load outs and kill streak rewards. It has added some pretty cool twists in that area. Online just seems to be more of every man for himself, even in team play. If I were to choose one game based on online play, this would have to be it.
R3. I liked the campaign. Online is okay. Visually, probably the best of the series. Neither campaign or competitive online is nearly as good as R2, which wasn't as good as FOM.
One you didn't mention, and maybe you already have it. Uncharted 3 has a great campaign. To get all the trophies, it will provide a fair amount of game time. The online is fairly decent. I think both has great visuals. Pretty easy to be competitive, at all levels of game play. I've been through and beat the campaign on "Crushing" and now am just going back through trying to sew up the remaining trophies. Probably is all around a better purchase if you don't have to have a fps. The ability to move around the environment, jumping from ledge to ledge, scaling walls, hiding while hanging from your fingertips; just something about it!
The real question is whether you care more about the campaign or multiplayer. BF3's multiplayer is probably marginally better but MW3's campaign is better by far. You can't really go wrong with either though, both are solid games.
Resistance 3 was a flop.
And all these games are jokes compared to Uncharted 3 and Skyrim, so pick those up while you are at it.
If BC 2 was a let down go with MW3 graphic are insane and game play are mind blowing, on campaign and multi-player. You will not regret it. I to played BC2 and was not really impressed with it and it did not persuade me to get Battlefield 3.
Modern Warfare 3 i suppose
Ask for Battlefield 3 for Christmas
on ps3 id go with mw3
if you go for graphics then bf3 but its not very good on ps3 since it is an pc game
Mw3! You will nnot regret it!
if you didn't like bad company i'm not sure you will enjoy bf3
Ok, I gunned half through a few hours of single player simply for the trophies and then dropped it for a few hours into the MP end of stuff. This is an early rummage of thoughts to give some people on the fence an idea of what they are getting into. Even most of the PC reviews out there have been pretty vague. I haven't cleared this 100% for the Platinum or put in 100 hours of ranking. But I have been playing Battlefield games for awhile so some early thoughts after a few hours.
First off -- 200+ meg update before you can play then you're off to the races. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was similar to Crysis, in that you could navigate the landscape the way you wanted, within an admittedly small area. Wooden huts and hideouts were for the destroying if you were so inclined. In Battlefield 3, you are literally led by the nose with little blue and red boxes on EXACTLY what to do. It's pretty insulting. Walk one foot too far this way or that way, and you are immediately told to "RETURN TO THE BATTLEFIELD." The levels are much more confined than the last game, but I think they went way too far on the scripted confrontations. On the realism end, there is a a few instances where a Marine will drop dead right in front of you and the other soldiers will just walk right by. Pretty lame, Marines don't tend to do that sort of thing. So the story sucks, but nobody reads Playboy for the articles right? Character models are not the strong point here. Where in CoD, everything looks like shiny plaster, here they look like clay . The environment textures look good most of the time, but occasionally do load slowly. Also, first thing I would do, is jack up the controller sensitivity, the default setting is way too slow. So far, I see a real missed opportunity in the single player end. I don't know why they just don't take the large maps from multiplayer and come up with a story based task for the single player. Corridor shooting needs to finally die. Anyway, the campaign doesn't do much new thus far, but there are good points. The audio is absolutely stunning. On my surround sound, the bullet hits and muzzle sounds are really awesome.
But playing Battlefield by yourself is like buying a banana just to eat the peels.
There is the new seemingly obligatory online pass to jump through and then you are greeted with a "free" M1911 pistol reward. Yay.
Online, there are still some occaisional collision problems from the beta. I have been sapped by a LMG more than once half stuck in the floor geometry of a building, but other than that the game does play pretty good. This is Battlefield - so when you can spawn on a boat and grab some airpower - you'll probably crash right away. haha. It happens every time. In 1943 it took me awhile to get the plane over Suribachi too. But there is a new feeling of dominance gunning around with the Apache's instead of just having tanks or jeeps with machine gun mounts. I haven't had too much time with the jets in Conquest yet, but I'm getting there. Tanks are still the main fun for me. There's nothing more satisfying than blasting down an entire roof where a sniper is camped out stopping your troops from getting the Gas Station capture point. Bullet drop with snipers from BC2 seems less pronounced or it may be a placebo.
Maps range from HUGE to more conventional "CoD" style boxes for deathmatch. For me, TDM really is pointless in this type of game but it is a game mode that never seems to die no matter what game they put it in. Whatever, I prefer the larger skirmishes with objectives, but I think the larger maps do bring up the obvious. This game is probably better played on the PC for one real reason and it has nothing to do with graphics. The PC will hold 64 players - and that is where the real meat of the series has always been. Eventually, I'll probably up for the PC sku when I can afford an upgraded rig, but this does well for now.
Don't buy into the hype one way or the other. But if you're tired of endless 'nade spamming, chopper gunner spamming, host lag, knife spamming, and want something objective based - give Battlefield 3 a look.